City Departments


Wes Levy
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
email: [email protected]

Julie Lucas
Office Manager/Treasurer
Phone: 815-672-2517 ext. 1226
Fax: 815-672-7566
email: [email protected]

The city has outsourced the CFO function to the governmental accounting firm of Lauterbach & Amen. They are assisted by the city's permanent staff of four: a utility clerk, a payroll/employee benefits technician, and two customer service clerks. Financial services are a division of the Administrative Department.

The Department serves as the primary billing and collection agent for the City. Services such as sewer and refuse payments, processing of business licenses and building permits, and all other miscellaneous billings are conducted in the Department. Internally the Department provides services to other City Departments such as payroll, accounts payable, purchasing, account and budget assistance, risk management and human resources. 

The Financial Services Division of the Administrative Department also records the financial transactions to present the financial position of the City in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) as promulgated by the Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB). The staff compiles interim financial information to facilitate management control of financial operation and prepares the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)
This department also prepares the annual operating budget of the City under the direction of the city manager. The budget process involves balancing revenues and expenditures, developing program objectives and producing both the proposed and approved budgets. The Department also performs budget analysis during the year and monitors the departmental revenues and expenditures and performance of each of the departments.

Utility Bill Pay

Annual Treasurer's Report-FYE December 31, 2021
Annual Comprehensive Financial Report-FYE December 31, 2021

In 2019, the Illinois General Assembly passed Public Act 101-0504. The law requires IMRF to post certain employer cost and participation information on its website. IMRF will update these reports annually.

Public Act 101-0504 requires IMRF employers that have a website to include a link to this web page, no later than January 1, 2021.